Finding the Best Omega Fat
Since the 1970s when scientists discovered that fish-adoring native populations such as the Inuit largely sidestep heart disease despite eating small amounts of fruit and veggies, the research papers proving that omega-3 fatty acids keep your body a well-oiled machine have been piling up faster than snowflakes during an Arctic blizzard. This popularity has prompted a whole industry devoted to pumping everything from eggs to tortillas to mayo with the stuff, all in the name of value-added comestibles. But there is one big caveat: not all omega-3s are as effective at fending off chronic disease.
Forms of Omega-3s
Omega-3 fatty acids are long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids containing more than one double bond. While the name omega-3 covers a range of fatty acids, there are three in particular that have been obtaining most of the research dollars: eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), which are both found naturally in seafood, and alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), which is found in plant sources. ALA contains 18 carbon atoms, where as EPA and DHA contain 20 and 22, respectively. ALA is considered dietary essential because our bodies lack the enzyme needed to produce this fatty acid from other fats. On the flipside, EPA and DHA are not considered essential because they can be produced through a series of desaturation (addition of double bonds) and elongation (addition of carbon atoms) steps from ALA.
Functions of Omega-3s
Omega-3s are so vital because they are incorporated into the membranes around every cell in our bodies. They are particularly deposited in large amounts in the cell membranes of the brain, retina and nervous system. It’s here where they help control what passes into and out of these cells, as well as how cells reach out and communicate with each other. It’s clear that cells with ample amounts of these fatty acids are more fluid (i.e., more elastic) and work more effectively.
Omega fatty acids also regulate the production of Herculean hormone-like substances called eicosanoids. Those spawned from omega-3s are very effective anti-inflammatory agents that are likely a major reason why these fats have such a strong capability to ward off chronic disease.
Often overlooked is that ALA is not equivalent in it biological effects to longer-chain marine sourced EPA and DHA. Longer molecular chain fats are more efficiently absorbed and used in the body than the shorter chain omega-3s like ALA. Research-speak for they’re more easily incorporated into cells. Because of this, if you were to compare all the studies showing a disease fighting capability of ALA or DHA, it would be DHA winning hand's down. Some experts believe that the only real important function of ALA is to be converted into EPA and, then, DHA and that these fatty acids should also be deemed essential with a specific daily requirement.
The above is very important when you consider that most people just assume that all omega-3s are alike. A notion that is often spurred on by the commonplace headline: “omega-3s fight disease.” While ALA has been found to be an alley in our well being – a good example is it’s ability to regulate heart beat and possibly reduce blood cholesterol and tryiglyceride levels – it’s EPA and, more specifically, DHA that is the real disease arch nemeses. But since the foods and beverages enhanced with omega-3s (i.e., eggs, vegetable oil spreads, cereal, bread, etc) are often fortified with ALA, you don't get the biggest bang from them. Depending on where you live, you can now find DHA fortified items such as milk, yogurt and juice.
The Making of EPA and DHA
Alpha-linolenic Acid (18:3 n-3) -> Stearidonic Acid (18:4 n-3) -> Eicosapentaenoic Acid (20:5 n-3) -> Docosahexaenoic Acid (22:6 n-3)
As mentioned, through a series of biochemical wonders, EPA and DHA can be made from ALA within the human body. However, this conversion is often lackluster at best. While different numbers have floated around it’s likely that this conversion occurs at a rate of only two to 15 percent. So for every gram of ALA consumed you would be lucky if 150 milligrams of it made it down the fatty acid chain to EPA with even less making it one more step to DHA. It’s thought that much of the rest of the ALA is converted into energy via beta-oxidation.
So why such a poor bang for your buck? Well, it’s clear that the conversion of ALA to its long-chain metabolites is affected by dietary factors. Firstly, a diet rich in omega-6 fatty acids such as linoleic acid (18:2 n-6) can significantly inhibit ALA conversion by up to half. Linoleic acid also undergoes a process of elongation and desaturation into other fatty acids such as Arachidonic Acid, which uses the same enzymes like delta-6-desaturase involved in the ALA to DHA train. So it makes sense, more intake of omega-6 means fewer enzymes available to elongate ALA. Unfortunately, diets in the developed world have become skewed towards omega-6s as a result of widespread use of omega-6-rich oils such as soybean and corn in convenience and fast food and the overall reduced consumption of omega-3 rich foods since modern agriculture took hold.
In addition, it has recently been found that consumption of trans-fat (i.e., hydrogenated oil) can further decrease conversion via inhibition of the delta-6-desaturase enzyme and thus reduce the amount of omega-3 fat present in cell membranes. A deficiency in any number of vitamin and mineral co-factors (B6, magnesium, zinc) needed for proper functioning of elongation and desaturation enzymes would also negatively affect DHA production. It should also be noted that the activity of delta-6-desaturase can be reduced by normal aging.
So, if you were to take the typical diet of an individual from the developed world (and, increasingly, in developing nations) that is oversaturated with omega-6 and trans-fats and undersaturated with ALA you begin to see why so many in-the-know health professionals and scientists studying the health impacts of EPA and DHA say that it is vital to consume EPA and DHA directly from foods and supplements to bypass any need for conversion. Interestingly, hempseeds are a rare source of stearidonic acid meaning that fewer metabolic steps are needed than from ALA to convert it to DHA.
Some studies suggest that women may possess a greater capacity for ALA conversion than men. Such metabolic capacity may be important for meeting the demands of the fetus and new born child for DHA during pregnancy and lactation.
Food Sources
Dietary sources of the plant-based omega-3 fat (ALA) include vegetable oils (e.g., canola, soybean), flaxseed, salba, walnuts and hempseeds.
As for EPA and DHA, the main source is fish. All fish contain EPA and DHA. However, the quantities vary among species and within a species according to environmental variables such as diet and whether the fish are wild or farm-raised. In general, cold water oily fish such as sardines and salmon tend to have higher levels of EPA and DHA that white fish such as tilapia and catfish.
Natural Sources of ALA
Natural Sources of EPA and DHA
Amount of ALA in grams per 100g serving
EPA+DHA in grams per 100g serving**
Flaxseed 20.0
Mackerel 2.5
Butternuts 8.7
Atlantic Herring 1.6
English Walnuts 6.8
Atlantic Salmon 1.0-1.8
Hempseeds 6.5
Sardines 0.98-1.70
Soybeans 3.2
Chinook Salmon 1.4
Leeks 0.7
Anchovy 1.4
Wheat Germ 0.7
Pink Salmon 1.1
Purslane (green leafy vegetable) 0.4
Coho Salmon 0.8
Almonds 0.4
Halibut 0.4-0.9
Pinto Beans 0.3
Sockeye Salmon 0.7
Barley 0.3
Chum Salmon 0.7
Kale 0.2
Rainbow Trout 0.5-1.0
Chickpeas 0.1
Atlantic Cod 0.3-0.5
Avocados 0.1
Tuna 0.4-0.5
Strawberries 0.1
Atlantic White Shrimp 0.4
Crab 0.3-0.4
Shrimp 0.3
Catfish 0.3
Northern Lobster 0.2
Flounder 0.2
Haddock 0.2
Pacific Cod 0.1-0.3
**These levels can vary depending on season, diet, pollution, canning and cooking methods.
Health Benefits
Because long-chain omega fatty acids are such a prominent player in the membranes of all our cells, it’s little surprise that they have such a wide array of health benefits. In recent times, it has been linked to a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease, vision loss, Parkinson’s disease, lupus, Crohn’s and colitis, cancers like that of the breast and kidney, osteoporosis, arthritis, obesity (yep, you read right. A salmon sandwich may help whittle the middle), diabetes, stroke, depression and cognitive decline. What’s more, a healthy intake of this polyunsaturated fat during pregnancy and lactation improves visual, cognitive and motor development in offspring. That’s the reason why DHA is now added to so many different baby formulas to help mimic what is hopefully naturally present in breast milk.
How Much
Official recommendations for EPA and DHA intake are still pending but it’s generally thought that at a minimum we should aim for an average of 500mg per day from direct sources such as fish, fortified foods and supplements. It would be smart to take heed of a Journal of the American Medical Association study that found eating just three to six ounces of fish per week, especially the omega-3 potent kind, can cut the risk of death from heart attack by a whopping 36 percent and total mortality by 17 percent. As discussed, it’s best not to rely on ALA containing foods for all of your EPA and DHA needs.
Because long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids, specifically arachidonic acid and DHA, accrue rapidly in the grey matter of the brain during development, it’s absolutely vital that pregnant and breast feeding women take in enough DHA (as mentioned, at least 500mg per day) to meet their needs and the needs of their offspring. After birth, both pre-term and full-term babies are capable of converting ALA into EPA and DHA, but the production from this synthesis is likely low. Therefore, it is more appropriate for a fetus or child to receive a direct source from the mother.
Why Supplement
There are numerous reasons why taking a regular fish oil supplement could be beneficial. We have already talked about all the healthy outcomes resulting from EPA and DHA intake and the benefits are no different if these fats come from fish or supplements. The vast majority of people are not consuming enough fatty fish to reach the levels of EPA and DHA necessary to achieve desirable health improvements. Taking a fish oil supplement can help close this gap.
Dietary influences such as increasing intake of omega-6 and trans-fats are contributing to lower levels of EPA and DHA within humans as a result of decreasing their formation from plant-derived ALA. By providing the body with a direct source of EPA and DHA, the concerns regarding this conversion are no longer an issue.
Vegetarians and vegans are particularly susceptible to low EPA and DHA levels as this diet appears to reduce the production of these fatty acids in the body as evident by studies showing meat-eaters having higher levels of these fats than vegetarians.
In addition, consuming fish is no longer as easy as it used to be. In recent years numerous reports have been published regarding contaminants such as mercury and PCB’s that are present in our fish supply. Regular intake of fish high in these contaminants (e.g. white albacore tuna) maybe harmful. This is especially the case for pregnant women and young children. It has been shown that as maternal fish consumption goes up so do fetal mercury levels. This stresses the importance for pregnant women to consume fish with low mercury levels and/or use contaminant-free fish oil supplements.
Guide to Choosing the Best Supplement
1. Choose a fish oil supplement with adequate amounts of EPA and DHA. Since you are looking for at least 500mg of EPA + DHA per day, choose a supplement that has relatively high amounts of these to negate the need to take several pills. It is best to look for a supplement with 200-500mg of DHA and 100-500mg of EPA per serving. These levels should be clearly stated on the label. If they are not, find another supplement. For example, if it just says 1000mg of omega-3 then you have little idea how much DHA and EPA this contains since other fats will make up some of this 1000mg. 1000mg of fish oil does not necessarily mean 1000mg of EPA and DHA. The benefit of liquid fish oil supplement such as cod liver oil is that they tend to be more concentrated than pills and often only require little intake (i.e. one teaspoon) to reach recommended intake levels.
2. Always choose a supplement that indicates that contaminants such as mercury and PCBs have been tested for and removed. Purity is very important, especially for pregnant and lactating women. The good news is that laboratory testing has determined that most fish oil supplements have less contaminants than the fish they come from. For example, a person would need to take about 300 capsules to be exposed to the same level of PCB’s as a single serving of farmed salmon. Mercury tends to be found in fish meat (e.g. muscle) and, thus, the relative concentration in oil would be a lot less. If possible, its best to look for supplements derived from small fish such as sardines, anchovy and herring as these are abundantly present in the wild making them a sustainable choice.
3. Don’t rely on a supplement with an omega oil blend (e.g., 3-6-9). This will decrease the amount of DHA and EPA in the product. Some of the omega-3 in these supplements maybe derived from flaxseed oil, which contains ALA, and not DHA and EPA. Remember that DHA and EPA are more potent than ALA. Some oil blends, though, add borage or evening primrose oil, which is a good source of a fat known as GLA. Like DHA, GLA is showing promise as a disease fighter. However, you might be best to look for this supplement on its own.
4. In winter, consider using cod liver oil. Only cod liver oil naturally contains vitamins A and D as the oil is from the liver of the fish, rather than the body. Vitamin D is a vitamin that can be synthesized in the skin from sunlight. However, for many countries (like my native Canada) sunlight is not adequate during winter months and, thus, many studies have shown that large segments of people in these locations are deficient in vitamin D during the winter. Of note, according to United Kingdom researchers who reviewed several studies on the matter, the risk of later-life type 1 diabetes is significantly reduced in infants who are exposed to vitamin D supplementation. Not surprisingly then, risk for diabetes is reduced in infants who are given cod live oil supplementation.
5. Look for antioxidants. When using a liquid fish oil supplement the addition of antioxidants such as vitamin E is very important as they can help prevent the oil from being damaged by free radicals and being oxidized once the bottle is opened. Some supplements will have a listing for mixed tocopherols. This is a vitamin E mixture. Specifically, you should be looking for alpha-tocopherol as tocopherol acetate is useless in preventing food oxidation. Oxidation appears not a problem for capsules.
The importance of having antioxidants present in a liquid fish oil is highlighted by research finding higher urinary malondialdehyde (MDA), an indicator of lipid peroxidation in the diet and in the tissues of human adults consuming a supplement of n-3 fatty acids derived from a pharmaceutical grade of cod liver oil without added antioxidants versus a concentrate of n-3 acids containing vitamin E. The results indicate that consuming unstabilized fish oils as a source of n-3 fatty acids may entail exposure to potentially toxic products of lipid peroxidation.
To also help reduce the oxidation of liquid fish oils a wine saver to create a vacuum can be used to better preserve the fish oil. Simply transfer your fish oil to a bottle that fits the wine saver cap.
Vegetarians and/or Vegans
Those who do not consume any fish and wish to supplement with omega-3 fat but choose not to use products derived from sea critters can now purchase supplements with DHA sourced from the algae that the fish eat. These are produced under controlled conditions and are free of contaminants, taste and odour. Only algae sources of omega-3 fatty acids are used in infant formulas. One study found that those who supplement with DHA from algae significantly increased DHA levels in the body. Even though these supplements often do not contain EPA, supplementing with just DHA should increase EPA levels as DHA can be converted back to EPA in the body.
Bottom Line
Look at food labels to see which form of omega-3 food has been added to the product.
Get a good mix of ALA and EPA/DHA in your diet.
Consider supplementation if you feel your diet is coming up short.
Consume low contaminant, high omega-3 fish such as wild salmon, sardines, mackerel and herring more often.
If you are a female of child-bearing age take a good, hard look at your diet to ensure you are consuming a direct source of DHA.
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Tuesday, 11 May 2010
Monday, 10 May 2010
How to build a pulling seld
How to build a pulling sled
As you all know I am a fanatic about pulling sleds. One can be built for about £70. Here’s how:Get a piece of 1/4 inch steel plate at the scrap yard that is 21 inches by 24 inches. You will also need about a 12-15 inch piece of heavy wall 2 inch pipe.Have your welding/machine shop either bend the 24 inch end up 3 inches to make the lip, or cut off 3 inches and weld it on at an angle to make a lip.Have them weld the pipe smack dab in the middle of the 21 x 21 section, and then drill or punch a hole in the CENTER upper portion of the lip.My shop did all of the above for £70.Paint it black, and have fun!
As you all know I am a fanatic about pulling sleds. One can be built for about £70. Here’s how:Get a piece of 1/4 inch steel plate at the scrap yard that is 21 inches by 24 inches. You will also need about a 12-15 inch piece of heavy wall 2 inch pipe.Have your welding/machine shop either bend the 24 inch end up 3 inches to make the lip, or cut off 3 inches and weld it on at an angle to make a lip.Have them weld the pipe smack dab in the middle of the 21 x 21 section, and then drill or punch a hole in the CENTER upper portion of the lip.My shop did all of the above for £70.Paint it black, and have fun!
Friday, 7 May 2010
Body and Mind Fitness Top 10 Carb Tips For Optimal Body Composition
Body and Mind Fitness Top 10 Carb Intake Rules for Optimal Body Composition
by Antony Brown
1. Elimate grains, particularly wheat. This is the most important principle regarding carb intake. Wheat influences blood sugar levels the same way as plain table sugar.
2. Yes, eliminate grains, Part II: Gliadin family grains such as oats, wheat, spelt are the most common food allergen. People of the Celtic ancestry, like the Irish, are more likely to be gluten allergic. Besides raising insulin levels in the body and their rapid carb intake, grains also release cortisol in response to the stressor, than a food allergen is.
3. The main source of carbs should be fibrous. Fibrous carbs typically have very low carb content. Their inherent high fiber brings about a very moderate insulin response, thus making them an ideal fat loss food. The best sources of fibrous carbs include :
Green beans
All forms of peppers
4. The darker the fruit, the better it is for you. Dark fruits tend to have very thin skin, (hence they need to produce more anti-oxidants to protect themselves from the sun). That is why darker fruits are great anti-inflammatory foods. Bananas have thick skins therefore they have lower anti-oxidants contents.
5. The darker the fruit, the better it is for you, part II. The darker the fruit, the lower the glycemic load. Again, compare berries, and cherries to bananas and pineapple. Of course, this applies to fruits in their natural state; when grapes become raisins, their glycemic index goes up because of dehydration of the fruit.
6. Replace grains with greens in sandwiches. This one is promoted by Jonny Bowden, author Living The Low Carb Life: Instead of using bread, use dark leafy greens to wrap the meat. It will slow down the glycemic index and help shift in your favor the acid/alkaline base.
7. Limit fructose intake. Even though fruits are great foods loaded with nutrients, they also contain fructose. Fructose in too high quantities can slow down thyroid function and increase glycation. Glycation in layman's term is browning, like the browning that makes crust in bread. Glycation is the cross linking of proteins (and DNA molecules) caused by sugar aldehydes reacting with the amino acids on the protein molecule and creating Advance Glycosylation End-products (AGE's). If you want to see protein cross linking in action, cut an apple in half and watch it turn yellow! Very few people realize that glucose can go through oxidation. Why is the worst glycation agent fructose? Because it does not raise insulin. In other words, the insulin is not getting it into muscle cells. Therefore, it lingers around and wreaks metabolic havoc. As nutrition expert Robert Crayhon would say: fructose is like the guest that won't go home once the party is over. Crayhon recommends that the average American should eat no more than 5-10 grams of fructose a day! For very active individuals, 20 grams of fructose should be the maximum intake.One of the worst sources of glycating fructose are the weight loss bars containing high fructose corn syrup, like the ones sold by a famous Texan verbally abusive lawyer turned weight loss guru.To check for glycation levels, ask your doctor to measure the concentration of glycated hemoglobin in your blood. In England, a study revealed that this is one of the best measured tests able to predict mortality. Far better than cholesterol, blood pressure and body mass index.
8. The best time to load up in carbs is the first 10 minutes following your workout. Since insulin sensitivity is at its highest after the workout, this is the time to take in your carbs to maximize muscle mass gains. Originally based on the research that was available at the time, I typically recommended 2 g/Kg of bodyweight. Over the years, after being exposed to more research and discussing it with my colleagues, I have come to the conclusion that it should be a reflection of the training volume for the training session. The greater the number of reps per training unit, the greater the carbohydrate intake. Of course, one can assume that all reps are equal. A squatting or deadlifting rep is more demanding than a curling or triceps extension rep. By the same token, 3 reps slow tempo squats has different caloric demand than 3 reps in the power clean. As a general rule, I would recommend the following carbohydrate intake based on training volume for a given workout:* 12-72 reps per workout : 0.6 g/Kg/LBM* 73-200 reps per workout : 0.8 g/kg/LBM* 200-360 reps per workout : 1.0 g/kg/LBM* 360-450 reps per workout : 1.2 g/kg/LBMRegarding the source of carbohydrates post-workout, I have experimented with various sources, I like using fruit juices with a high glycemic index (i.e. pineapple, grape) to provide 30-40% of the carbs, the rest of the carbs coming from carb powders ranging from dextrose to various types of malto-dextrin. For variety sake, I will use different types of juice like a berry blend. You can also any type of mushy fruit like bananas or peaches. For seriously underweight athletes, I may use pineapple and/or corn flakes to drive the glycemic index upwards. Instead of using maltodextrin, you can also use dessicated honey.
9. Use insulin sensitivity supplements with high-carb post workout meals. Nutrients like taurine, arginine, magnesium, R-form alpha lipoic acid etc.. will help dispose of glucose to muscle cells instead of fat cells.
10. Add protein to your post-workout carb intake. Using 15 g of protein for every 50 lbs of bodyweight, will increase glycogen storage by as much as 40%.
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by Antony Brown
1. Elimate grains, particularly wheat. This is the most important principle regarding carb intake. Wheat influences blood sugar levels the same way as plain table sugar.
2. Yes, eliminate grains, Part II: Gliadin family grains such as oats, wheat, spelt are the most common food allergen. People of the Celtic ancestry, like the Irish, are more likely to be gluten allergic. Besides raising insulin levels in the body and their rapid carb intake, grains also release cortisol in response to the stressor, than a food allergen is.
3. The main source of carbs should be fibrous. Fibrous carbs typically have very low carb content. Their inherent high fiber brings about a very moderate insulin response, thus making them an ideal fat loss food. The best sources of fibrous carbs include :
Green beans
All forms of peppers
4. The darker the fruit, the better it is for you. Dark fruits tend to have very thin skin, (hence they need to produce more anti-oxidants to protect themselves from the sun). That is why darker fruits are great anti-inflammatory foods. Bananas have thick skins therefore they have lower anti-oxidants contents.
5. The darker the fruit, the better it is for you, part II. The darker the fruit, the lower the glycemic load. Again, compare berries, and cherries to bananas and pineapple. Of course, this applies to fruits in their natural state; when grapes become raisins, their glycemic index goes up because of dehydration of the fruit.
6. Replace grains with greens in sandwiches. This one is promoted by Jonny Bowden, author Living The Low Carb Life: Instead of using bread, use dark leafy greens to wrap the meat. It will slow down the glycemic index and help shift in your favor the acid/alkaline base.
7. Limit fructose intake. Even though fruits are great foods loaded with nutrients, they also contain fructose. Fructose in too high quantities can slow down thyroid function and increase glycation. Glycation in layman's term is browning, like the browning that makes crust in bread. Glycation is the cross linking of proteins (and DNA molecules) caused by sugar aldehydes reacting with the amino acids on the protein molecule and creating Advance Glycosylation End-products (AGE's). If you want to see protein cross linking in action, cut an apple in half and watch it turn yellow! Very few people realize that glucose can go through oxidation. Why is the worst glycation agent fructose? Because it does not raise insulin. In other words, the insulin is not getting it into muscle cells. Therefore, it lingers around and wreaks metabolic havoc. As nutrition expert Robert Crayhon would say: fructose is like the guest that won't go home once the party is over. Crayhon recommends that the average American should eat no more than 5-10 grams of fructose a day! For very active individuals, 20 grams of fructose should be the maximum intake.One of the worst sources of glycating fructose are the weight loss bars containing high fructose corn syrup, like the ones sold by a famous Texan verbally abusive lawyer turned weight loss guru.To check for glycation levels, ask your doctor to measure the concentration of glycated hemoglobin in your blood. In England, a study revealed that this is one of the best measured tests able to predict mortality. Far better than cholesterol, blood pressure and body mass index.
8. The best time to load up in carbs is the first 10 minutes following your workout. Since insulin sensitivity is at its highest after the workout, this is the time to take in your carbs to maximize muscle mass gains. Originally based on the research that was available at the time, I typically recommended 2 g/Kg of bodyweight. Over the years, after being exposed to more research and discussing it with my colleagues, I have come to the conclusion that it should be a reflection of the training volume for the training session. The greater the number of reps per training unit, the greater the carbohydrate intake. Of course, one can assume that all reps are equal. A squatting or deadlifting rep is more demanding than a curling or triceps extension rep. By the same token, 3 reps slow tempo squats has different caloric demand than 3 reps in the power clean. As a general rule, I would recommend the following carbohydrate intake based on training volume for a given workout:* 12-72 reps per workout : 0.6 g/Kg/LBM* 73-200 reps per workout : 0.8 g/kg/LBM* 200-360 reps per workout : 1.0 g/kg/LBM* 360-450 reps per workout : 1.2 g/kg/LBMRegarding the source of carbohydrates post-workout, I have experimented with various sources, I like using fruit juices with a high glycemic index (i.e. pineapple, grape) to provide 30-40% of the carbs, the rest of the carbs coming from carb powders ranging from dextrose to various types of malto-dextrin. For variety sake, I will use different types of juice like a berry blend. You can also any type of mushy fruit like bananas or peaches. For seriously underweight athletes, I may use pineapple and/or corn flakes to drive the glycemic index upwards. Instead of using maltodextrin, you can also use dessicated honey.
9. Use insulin sensitivity supplements with high-carb post workout meals. Nutrients like taurine, arginine, magnesium, R-form alpha lipoic acid etc.. will help dispose of glucose to muscle cells instead of fat cells.
10. Add protein to your post-workout carb intake. Using 15 g of protein for every 50 lbs of bodyweight, will increase glycogen storage by as much as 40%.
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Wednesday, 14 April 2010
Body and Mind Fitness will be attending charles poliquin's level 1 and level 2 strength courses in Copenhagen in september. Never satisfied with where we are we are again striving to improve knowledge and skills to help you in your dreams of the perfect physique. Reach your Peak personal training Manchester, The no1 personal training company in the UK.
Friday, 9 April 2010
12 Minute Density Training: Ultimate Fat Loss
12 Min Density Training: Ultimate Fat Loss
By Antony Brown
Body and Mind Fitness Personal Training
1 Min per Exercise
3 Exercises
4-5 Rounds/Sets
For the circuit you will typically use one upper body exercise, one lower body exercise and an additional one to complement the other two movements. For example and pulling exercise works well with a push and a squat variation.
1) Pull up
2) Clean and push press
3) Front Squat
Note that these exercises can be done with minimum of space, for clean and front squats I like to use kettlebells as this minimises space but you can also use a barbell or dumbbells easily.
Remember you will do each exercise for one minute moving to the next exercise each minute. Repeating the circuit 4 times progressing to 5 within the coming weeks.
Work on 50% rep max rule for example if you can do 10 pull ups your aim is to complete 5 within the 1 minute. Once you complete your 5 you can use the rest of the minute as rest period then move on to the next exercise.
If using kettlebells try using the same size kettlebells for cleans and squats some completing the same load for each exercise. Use this protocol regardless to if your using barbells or dumbbells additionally.
The main reason to start with a conservative number is to promote good technique and full range of movement. No CRAP!
To start with you will be able to complete the rep count within the first 20-30secs however as the circuit progresses you will fatigue at a greater rate thus providing you to increase your metabolic rate! Which means burning more FAT!!
If you cat keep maintaining the prescribed reps count drop a rep or too so to maintain perfect form. As long as your nutritional regime is on track any good coach will tell you that improving work load and intensity will have huge effects of body composition. Unless you fill your body with Crap!
To progess you can increase the load i.e. weight or increase the duration so have a 5th round the choice is yours.
For the second circuit I tend to prefer a non or low load circuit which consists usually of bodyweight exercises.
1) trx push ups
2) Lateral lunge
3) Trx/ barbell inverted row
Use all the same rules as previously stated
Other combos that can be used
1) single leg Romanian deadlift
2) DB Bench press
3) DB Row
1) Glute ham raises
2) Lat pulldown
3) Bulgarian split squat
1) Judo push ups
2) KB Swings
3) Woodchops
1) Single leg squat
2) Ab Wheel roll out
3) Cable Row
1) Farmers Walk
2) Dips
3) Burpees
If you have the equipment available then sandbags, sleds, ropes, chains all have a place and are great tools while also being relatively passive on the joints. I have a number of clients who suffer from knee and hip pain who all excel in this type of training with maximal results occurring!
Good Luck and Train Hard!
For more info visit or call 07930875851
Antony Brown
By Antony Brown
Body and Mind Fitness Personal Training
1 Min per Exercise
3 Exercises
4-5 Rounds/Sets
For the circuit you will typically use one upper body exercise, one lower body exercise and an additional one to complement the other two movements. For example and pulling exercise works well with a push and a squat variation.
1) Pull up
2) Clean and push press
3) Front Squat
Note that these exercises can be done with minimum of space, for clean and front squats I like to use kettlebells as this minimises space but you can also use a barbell or dumbbells easily.
Remember you will do each exercise for one minute moving to the next exercise each minute. Repeating the circuit 4 times progressing to 5 within the coming weeks.
Work on 50% rep max rule for example if you can do 10 pull ups your aim is to complete 5 within the 1 minute. Once you complete your 5 you can use the rest of the minute as rest period then move on to the next exercise.
If using kettlebells try using the same size kettlebells for cleans and squats some completing the same load for each exercise. Use this protocol regardless to if your using barbells or dumbbells additionally.
The main reason to start with a conservative number is to promote good technique and full range of movement. No CRAP!
To start with you will be able to complete the rep count within the first 20-30secs however as the circuit progresses you will fatigue at a greater rate thus providing you to increase your metabolic rate! Which means burning more FAT!!
If you cat keep maintaining the prescribed reps count drop a rep or too so to maintain perfect form. As long as your nutritional regime is on track any good coach will tell you that improving work load and intensity will have huge effects of body composition. Unless you fill your body with Crap!
To progess you can increase the load i.e. weight or increase the duration so have a 5th round the choice is yours.
For the second circuit I tend to prefer a non or low load circuit which consists usually of bodyweight exercises.
1) trx push ups
2) Lateral lunge
3) Trx/ barbell inverted row
Use all the same rules as previously stated
Other combos that can be used
1) single leg Romanian deadlift
2) DB Bench press
3) DB Row
1) Glute ham raises
2) Lat pulldown
3) Bulgarian split squat
1) Judo push ups
2) KB Swings
3) Woodchops
1) Single leg squat
2) Ab Wheel roll out
3) Cable Row
1) Farmers Walk
2) Dips
3) Burpees
If you have the equipment available then sandbags, sleds, ropes, chains all have a place and are great tools while also being relatively passive on the joints. I have a number of clients who suffer from knee and hip pain who all excel in this type of training with maximal results occurring!
Good Luck and Train Hard!
For more info visit or call 07930875851
Antony Brown
Saturday, 13 March 2010
Exercise increases cognition in elderly
Recently it has been proven that physical exercise appears to have a significant relationship with lowering the risk of cognitive impairment in the elderly. This is shown to have occurred over a two year period in a study involving over 4000 participants aging 55 yrs old and greater form southern Bavaria.
The study stated that 418 participants (10.7%) had cognitive impairment at the start of the study, however after 2 years 207 (5.9%) of the remaining 3485 unimpaired developed cognitive impairment. The incidence of new cognitive impairment among participants with no, moderate and high activity baseline was 13.9%, 6.7% and 5.1% respectively.
The study stated that 418 participants (10.7%) had cognitive impairment at the start of the study, however after 2 years 207 (5.9%) of the remaining 3485 unimpaired developed cognitive impairment. The incidence of new cognitive impairment among participants with no, moderate and high activity baseline was 13.9%, 6.7% and 5.1% respectively.
Thursday, 11 March 2010
Hi guys you can also follow body and mind fitness personal training manchester on facebook!/group.php?gid=277830045769&ref=ts
and now on Twitter
Sorry for the lapse in material! its all on its way! ive been super busy with bootcamps and new clients!
lets debate soon!
Antony Brown!/group.php?gid=277830045769&ref=ts
and now on Twitter
Sorry for the lapse in material! its all on its way! ive been super busy with bootcamps and new clients!
lets debate soon!
Antony Brown
Sunday, 10 January 2010
excess belly fat!!!!!!!!!
Excess Belly Fat
By Antony rown
A common problem suffered by many of my clients, general gym goers and fitness enthusiast is excess belly fat. Everyone wants to have the flat stomach six pack abs with low or NO body fat stored around the mid section. Many clients have previously used the Atkins diet or a closely modified variation incorporating a low amount of carbohydrates to aid their training. In this article I will try and give you a little insight into how to lower your abdominal fat storage and get that beach body you always wanted.
The first Factor to look at is to determine what carbohydrates you are consuming and how many. By incorporating refined High GI carbohydrates such as white pasta, white rice and white bread, you will cause Insulin levels to remain very high increasing the individual’s levels of fat storage. High GI foods provide the body with energy very quickly, too much for the individual to use at once unless they are a marathon runner or iron man contestant. This in turn causes the body to insulin spike, which returns blood glucose levels back to a normal thus storing the excess energy/calories as adipose tissue (Fat). By changing the form of carbohydrates to unrefined Low GI wholemeal options such as brown rice, brown pasta and green vegetables, this will provide your body with a sustained energy source. This will supply your body with a small constant source of energy maintaining low blood sugar levels thus not causing your body to insulin spike and store excess energy/calories as adipose tissue.
A second factor to take into consideration is the amount of calories you are in taking per day. In my opinion if your levels of calories coming in are exceeding the amount being used, then no matter what type of calories you are consuming you will gain fat. In Simple you have to attain a calories deficit, so you must burn MORE calories throughout the day than you consume. By doing this you will attain the calorie deficit you need to aid your body in burning body fat.
Protein consumption is vital when trying to lower levels of body fat and promote a more toned mid section and abs. By incorporating a good source of protein your body is aided in preserving muscle tissue and burning primarily fat as its main energy source during exercise and daily activities.
There is evidence to support that hormonal levels can have a significant effect on fat storage and the area that the body fat is stored. Recent research by Poliquin et al has stated certain foods have an effect on the levels of certain hormones which in turn have an effect on where your body stores body fat. The hormone related to excess belly fat is called cortisol which is a stressor hormone. It has been stated that cortisol levels can be increased in several ways such as 1) excess aerobic exercise; this stresses the body and promotes the body to turn catabolic and break down vital muscle tissue for energy rather than body fat, which is imperative in giving a muscular mid section. 2) All forms of grain consumption are proven to increase the levels of cortisol and in turn increase stress to the abdominal area thus encouraging mid section fat storage. 3) Mental stress through work or home life is another key factor and proven to increase levels of cortisol.
Exercise is vital in the burning of body fat and stripping the mid section to give you that lean toned set of abs you have always desired. As previously stated prolonged aerobic exercise can have a negative effect on the burning of body fat and can promote the body to break down muscle tissue to use as energy. However we do need to burn calories and the best way to use them is in an interval based activity. By incorporating interval training, it enables the athlete to improve the workload by interspersing heavy bouts of fast running with recovery periods of slower jogging. The athlete runs hard over any distance up to 1k and then has a period of easy jogging. During the run, lactic acid is produced and a state of oxygen debt is reached. During the interval (recovery), the heart and lungs are still stimulated as they try to pay back the debt by supplying oxygen to help break down the lactates. This in turn burns more calories than any other form of training and has a significant effect on reducing levels of body fat around the mid section. By incorporating this type of training in a circuit based activity using some resistance training, it can further more reduce body fat by fatiguing various muscle proving a constant burn of calories for the next several upcoming hours.
I hope you find the information I have provided useful in your quest to achieve the perfect mid section. As you can see diet and exercise are equally important. Neglect one of the two areas and you will struggle to achieve results. What I have provided is a small insight to what I go into with all my personal training clients.
Any further information you would like to obtain regarding this area please feel free to contact me through my website or keep an eye on my blog.
By Antony rown
A common problem suffered by many of my clients, general gym goers and fitness enthusiast is excess belly fat. Everyone wants to have the flat stomach six pack abs with low or NO body fat stored around the mid section. Many clients have previously used the Atkins diet or a closely modified variation incorporating a low amount of carbohydrates to aid their training. In this article I will try and give you a little insight into how to lower your abdominal fat storage and get that beach body you always wanted.
The first Factor to look at is to determine what carbohydrates you are consuming and how many. By incorporating refined High GI carbohydrates such as white pasta, white rice and white bread, you will cause Insulin levels to remain very high increasing the individual’s levels of fat storage. High GI foods provide the body with energy very quickly, too much for the individual to use at once unless they are a marathon runner or iron man contestant. This in turn causes the body to insulin spike, which returns blood glucose levels back to a normal thus storing the excess energy/calories as adipose tissue (Fat). By changing the form of carbohydrates to unrefined Low GI wholemeal options such as brown rice, brown pasta and green vegetables, this will provide your body with a sustained energy source. This will supply your body with a small constant source of energy maintaining low blood sugar levels thus not causing your body to insulin spike and store excess energy/calories as adipose tissue.
A second factor to take into consideration is the amount of calories you are in taking per day. In my opinion if your levels of calories coming in are exceeding the amount being used, then no matter what type of calories you are consuming you will gain fat. In Simple you have to attain a calories deficit, so you must burn MORE calories throughout the day than you consume. By doing this you will attain the calorie deficit you need to aid your body in burning body fat.
Protein consumption is vital when trying to lower levels of body fat and promote a more toned mid section and abs. By incorporating a good source of protein your body is aided in preserving muscle tissue and burning primarily fat as its main energy source during exercise and daily activities.
There is evidence to support that hormonal levels can have a significant effect on fat storage and the area that the body fat is stored. Recent research by Poliquin et al has stated certain foods have an effect on the levels of certain hormones which in turn have an effect on where your body stores body fat. The hormone related to excess belly fat is called cortisol which is a stressor hormone. It has been stated that cortisol levels can be increased in several ways such as 1) excess aerobic exercise; this stresses the body and promotes the body to turn catabolic and break down vital muscle tissue for energy rather than body fat, which is imperative in giving a muscular mid section. 2) All forms of grain consumption are proven to increase the levels of cortisol and in turn increase stress to the abdominal area thus encouraging mid section fat storage. 3) Mental stress through work or home life is another key factor and proven to increase levels of cortisol.
Exercise is vital in the burning of body fat and stripping the mid section to give you that lean toned set of abs you have always desired. As previously stated prolonged aerobic exercise can have a negative effect on the burning of body fat and can promote the body to break down muscle tissue to use as energy. However we do need to burn calories and the best way to use them is in an interval based activity. By incorporating interval training, it enables the athlete to improve the workload by interspersing heavy bouts of fast running with recovery periods of slower jogging. The athlete runs hard over any distance up to 1k and then has a period of easy jogging. During the run, lactic acid is produced and a state of oxygen debt is reached. During the interval (recovery), the heart and lungs are still stimulated as they try to pay back the debt by supplying oxygen to help break down the lactates. This in turn burns more calories than any other form of training and has a significant effect on reducing levels of body fat around the mid section. By incorporating this type of training in a circuit based activity using some resistance training, it can further more reduce body fat by fatiguing various muscle proving a constant burn of calories for the next several upcoming hours.
I hope you find the information I have provided useful in your quest to achieve the perfect mid section. As you can see diet and exercise are equally important. Neglect one of the two areas and you will struggle to achieve results. What I have provided is a small insight to what I go into with all my personal training clients.
Any further information you would like to obtain regarding this area please feel free to contact me through my website or keep an eye on my blog.
Wednesday, 6 January 2010
Runners Knee
Aetiology of Overuse Injury
Antony Brown
Runners Knee- Iliotibial Band Friction Syndrome
The most common injury for a runner is that of runners’ knee which can also be known as iliotibial band friction syndrome. The knee is a complex joint and involves the tibia, femur and patella to work in unison. For many years the cause of runners’ knee was thought to be caused by chondromalacia of the patella which is a softening of the cartilage of the knee cap; however it is also widely thought to be from the richly innervated subchondral bone, infrapatellar fat pad, or the medial and lateral retinaculum of the joint. However there is still confusion defining anterior knee pain with Witvrouw et al (2005) stating “there seems to be no clear consensus in the literature regarding the terminology for pain in the anterior aspect of the knee”. Mcginnis (1999) argued that ankle pronation and supination as well as knee flexion and extension should occur simultaneously to avoid placing the tibia in torsion and stressing the knee joint. Furthermore if overpronation occurs the unison of the ankle and knee may be disrupted and thus the coordination of the joint action is disrupted and abnormal stresses are imposed and muscle activity patterns will be altered. This in turn will cause a different line of pull on the patella tendon by misalignment of the femur and tibia altering the tracking of the patella within the femoral groove. This results in an abnormal stress pattern on the sides and the back of the patella causing injury to the patella or the femur, which is referred to as patellofemoral pain syndrome. However, it is widely thought that another disorder called iliotibial band friction syndrome is more common within runners and is more appropriate to be called runners knee. Fredericson and Wolf (2005) state iliotibial band friction syndrome is the most common cause of lateral knee pain in runners, with 12% of all runners suffering from it at any time. Iliotibial band friction syndrome is a disorder commonly found in long distance and recreational runners. Fredericson and Wolf (2005) state “Iliotibial band syndrome is the most common cause of lateral knee pain in runners. It is an overuse injury that results from repetitive friction of the iliotibial band over the lateral femoral epicondyle” with pain occurring at around an angle of 30 degrees from straight and providing a snapping sensation as the inflamed part of the tract jumps over femoral epicondyle.
Picture taken from
Iliotibial band friction syndrome can also be commonly found in other types of athletes such as cyclists, weight lifters and volleyball players as well as long distance and recreational runners’. Training related to this injury are thought to be such activities as running in same direction on a track, greater than normal weekly mileage, downhill running as well as running on a uneven surface. Fredericson and Wolf (2005) further argue that recent studies have demonstrated that weakness or inhibition of the lateral gluteal muscles is a causative factor in this injury. Fredericson and Wolf (2005) state when the gluteal muscles do not fire properly throughout the support phase of the running cycle, there is a decreased ability to stabilize the pelvis and eccentrically control femur abduction resulting in other muscles having to compensate leading to excessive soft tissue damage or tightness and myofascial restrictions contributing to iliotibial band friction syndrome. The iliotibial tract is a strong band, extending down the outer side of the thigh to the top of the outer edge of the shin bone. Fredericson and Wolf (2005) state the iliotibial band is considered a continuation of the tendinous portion of the tensor fascia lata muscle, with some contribution from the gluteal muscle. It is connected to the linea aspera via the intramuscular septum until just proximal to the lateral epicondyle of the femur. The iliotibial band spans out and inserts on the lateral border of the patella, the lateral retinaculum, and Gerdy’s tubercle of the tibia. However; Fairclough et al (2006) state “Iliotibial band syndrome overuse injuries may be more likely to be associated with fat compression beneath the tract, rather than with repetitive friction as the knee flexes and extends”. A symptom related to iliotibial band friction syndrome is pain occurring to the lateral side of the knee which affects range of movement in the knee. The pain may begin after the athlete has been running for a certain time or distance and increased to a point where running becomes impossible. Grisogono (1984) states that the pain usually occurs gradually with a slight ache being noticed at first, occurring at a particular moment within your activity such as 10 minutes running, and thus happens every time. The area will become inflamed and feel tender to touch and may radiate proximally or distally to the lateral side of the knee. An angle of 30 degrees is stated as a position where the athlete will become aware of the pain in the lateral side of the knee, with a snapping sensation as the inflamed part of the tract jumps over the prominent part of the edge of the thigh bone. Treatment for iliotibial band friction syndrome consists of such actions as modifying activities to avoid causing pain to the knee ,these include not running down hill or running on uneven road surfaces. When resuming a normal training regime applying heat to the area may be helpful as well as applying ice post activity to reduce swelling of the knee. Other methods maybe anti inflammatory medication to help prevent swelling to the area as well as complete rest, lateral wedge orthosis to correct any postural imbalance and finally a administered local steroid injection as a alternative option could be used. Hintermann and Nigg (1998) state 70% of runners with lower extremity injuries treated with orthotic devices will improve. Specific stretching techniques can be used as well to provide pain relief and help prevent future lateral knee problems. The use of knee strengthening exercises can also be used to strengthen the knee and prevent lateral knee pain.
If the lower limbs of the runner is not absorbing the shock correctly or efficiently as possible, it is likely that the runner’s structure will become overloaded and thus the athlete will become tired and injury will occur. The most common biomechanical factor is pronation and this can lead to increased tension in the planter fascia and tibiallis posterior tendon, or possibly lead to posterolateral impingement of the peroneii tendons. Higher up the leg, excessive pronation will cause medial rotation of the tibia as previously stated and can effect patella tracking and can also increase tension in the iliotibial band thus causing iliotibial band friction syndrome. Hintermann and Nigg (1998) state that excessive pronation can be potentially harmful with compensatory pronation occurring due to anatomical reasons, however, not just the level of foot eversion but also the way the foot eversion is transferred into tibial rotation may be crucial to the overloading stress on the knee. The overloading of the knee occurs within the running cycle with internal rotation of the tibia counteracting with the external rotation of the pelvis thus creating external rotation of the femur. Overuse injuries are more often caused by excessive loading rates to the specific area. Hintermann and Nigg (1998) argued that excessive pronation has been typically associated with the development of overuse injuries in locomotion, and that the transfer of foot eversion into the rotation of the tibia has most commonly been associated with the incidence of knee pain. McGinnis (1999) supports this and states pronation and supination also affect the magnitude of the stress imposed on the knee joint. If the muscle group is stretched slowly then the loading rate is of a level which is comfortable, however if the muscle group is stretched quickly with a great amount of force then the risk of an overuse injury will be increased. A quick loading rate on a cold muscle group will produce a brittle response causing torn fibres and inflammation to the specific area thus causing iliotibial band friction syndrome. McGinnis (1999) states that the iliotibial band tendon consists of 70% water, 25% collagen and 5% elastin. Fredericson and Wolf (2005) further state that the fibres are tightly bound in a parallel arrangement along the functional axis of the tendon, this provides high tensile strength thought to be similar to soft steel.
An overuse injury to a runner’s knee is caused by a constant repetitive loading to the knee joint. Tendons behave viscoelastically and exhibit adaptive responses to conditions of increased loading and disuse. Maganaris et al (2004) states most studies report that long term physical activity improves the tensile mechanical properties of tendons, yielding results opposite to those of disuse. It is further stated by Maganaris et al (2004) that hypertrophy may be partly accountable for these effects; however changes in young’s modulus also indicate training induced changes in the tendon intrinsic material properties McGinnis (1999) states that running speed directly influences the size of the ground reaction force components with faster speeds being associated with higher loading rates. The maximum vertical ground reaction force, for example increasing from approx two times body weight at a slow jog to six times body weight at a fast run. The higher forces associated with faster running speeds cause greater torques at the joints. Iliotibial band friction syndrome is a non traumatic overuse injury which is common in long distance runners. Hintermann and Nigg (1998) state that the factors most associated with running injuries such as iliotibial band friction syndrome include anatomical or biomechanical abnormalities. Further more Hintermann and Nigg (1988) state that poor alignment in the lower extremities and/or over pronation have frequently been associated with stress fractures of the lower limbs. Hintermann and Nigg (1998) argue that excessive pronation determines the amount of compensatory internal tibia rotation, thus the greater it is the greater the potential of iliotibial band friction syndrome will have of occurring in the athlete. To lower the risk of iliotibial band friction syndrome the athlete should incorporate high levels of lower limb flexibility, strength training regime specific to the lower limb area as well as wearing the correct footwear and using orthotics if needed to correct any postural problems. Alternative methods of exercise such as swimming may be used to minimise risk of aggravating the tendon and thus not causing iliotibial band friction syndrome.
Bahr. R, Maehlum. S, Bolic. T. (2004).Clinical guide to sports injuries. Gazette Bok. 348-349.
Fredericson. M, Wolf. C. (2005). Iliotibial band syndrome in runners innovations in treatment. Journal of Sports Medicine. 35 (5). 451-459.
Grisogono, V. (1984). Sports Injuries – A self help guide. John Murray publishers ltd. 104-106.
Hintermann. B, Nigg. B.M. (1998). A Review: Pronation in runners implications for injury. Journal of Sports Medicine. 26 (3). 169-176.
Maganaris. C.N, Narici. M.V, Almekinders. L.C, Maffulli. N. (2004). A Review: Biomechanics and pathophysiology of overuse tendon injuries: ideas on insertional tendinopathy. Journal of Sports Medicine. 34 (14). 1005-1017.
McGinnis. P.M. (1999). Biomechanics of sport and exercise. Human Kinetics. 358-362.
Peterson. L, Renstrom. P. (2001). Sports injuries: their prevention and treatment. Taylor and Francis. 327-329.
Antony Brown
Runners Knee- Iliotibial Band Friction Syndrome
The most common injury for a runner is that of runners’ knee which can also be known as iliotibial band friction syndrome. The knee is a complex joint and involves the tibia, femur and patella to work in unison. For many years the cause of runners’ knee was thought to be caused by chondromalacia of the patella which is a softening of the cartilage of the knee cap; however it is also widely thought to be from the richly innervated subchondral bone, infrapatellar fat pad, or the medial and lateral retinaculum of the joint. However there is still confusion defining anterior knee pain with Witvrouw et al (2005) stating “there seems to be no clear consensus in the literature regarding the terminology for pain in the anterior aspect of the knee”. Mcginnis (1999) argued that ankle pronation and supination as well as knee flexion and extension should occur simultaneously to avoid placing the tibia in torsion and stressing the knee joint. Furthermore if overpronation occurs the unison of the ankle and knee may be disrupted and thus the coordination of the joint action is disrupted and abnormal stresses are imposed and muscle activity patterns will be altered. This in turn will cause a different line of pull on the patella tendon by misalignment of the femur and tibia altering the tracking of the patella within the femoral groove. This results in an abnormal stress pattern on the sides and the back of the patella causing injury to the patella or the femur, which is referred to as patellofemoral pain syndrome. However, it is widely thought that another disorder called iliotibial band friction syndrome is more common within runners and is more appropriate to be called runners knee. Fredericson and Wolf (2005) state iliotibial band friction syndrome is the most common cause of lateral knee pain in runners, with 12% of all runners suffering from it at any time. Iliotibial band friction syndrome is a disorder commonly found in long distance and recreational runners. Fredericson and Wolf (2005) state “Iliotibial band syndrome is the most common cause of lateral knee pain in runners. It is an overuse injury that results from repetitive friction of the iliotibial band over the lateral femoral epicondyle” with pain occurring at around an angle of 30 degrees from straight and providing a snapping sensation as the inflamed part of the tract jumps over femoral epicondyle.
Picture taken from
Iliotibial band friction syndrome can also be commonly found in other types of athletes such as cyclists, weight lifters and volleyball players as well as long distance and recreational runners’. Training related to this injury are thought to be such activities as running in same direction on a track, greater than normal weekly mileage, downhill running as well as running on a uneven surface. Fredericson and Wolf (2005) further argue that recent studies have demonstrated that weakness or inhibition of the lateral gluteal muscles is a causative factor in this injury. Fredericson and Wolf (2005) state when the gluteal muscles do not fire properly throughout the support phase of the running cycle, there is a decreased ability to stabilize the pelvis and eccentrically control femur abduction resulting in other muscles having to compensate leading to excessive soft tissue damage or tightness and myofascial restrictions contributing to iliotibial band friction syndrome. The iliotibial tract is a strong band, extending down the outer side of the thigh to the top of the outer edge of the shin bone. Fredericson and Wolf (2005) state the iliotibial band is considered a continuation of the tendinous portion of the tensor fascia lata muscle, with some contribution from the gluteal muscle. It is connected to the linea aspera via the intramuscular septum until just proximal to the lateral epicondyle of the femur. The iliotibial band spans out and inserts on the lateral border of the patella, the lateral retinaculum, and Gerdy’s tubercle of the tibia. However; Fairclough et al (2006) state “Iliotibial band syndrome overuse injuries may be more likely to be associated with fat compression beneath the tract, rather than with repetitive friction as the knee flexes and extends”. A symptom related to iliotibial band friction syndrome is pain occurring to the lateral side of the knee which affects range of movement in the knee. The pain may begin after the athlete has been running for a certain time or distance and increased to a point where running becomes impossible. Grisogono (1984) states that the pain usually occurs gradually with a slight ache being noticed at first, occurring at a particular moment within your activity such as 10 minutes running, and thus happens every time. The area will become inflamed and feel tender to touch and may radiate proximally or distally to the lateral side of the knee. An angle of 30 degrees is stated as a position where the athlete will become aware of the pain in the lateral side of the knee, with a snapping sensation as the inflamed part of the tract jumps over the prominent part of the edge of the thigh bone. Treatment for iliotibial band friction syndrome consists of such actions as modifying activities to avoid causing pain to the knee ,these include not running down hill or running on uneven road surfaces. When resuming a normal training regime applying heat to the area may be helpful as well as applying ice post activity to reduce swelling of the knee. Other methods maybe anti inflammatory medication to help prevent swelling to the area as well as complete rest, lateral wedge orthosis to correct any postural imbalance and finally a administered local steroid injection as a alternative option could be used. Hintermann and Nigg (1998) state 70% of runners with lower extremity injuries treated with orthotic devices will improve. Specific stretching techniques can be used as well to provide pain relief and help prevent future lateral knee problems. The use of knee strengthening exercises can also be used to strengthen the knee and prevent lateral knee pain.
If the lower limbs of the runner is not absorbing the shock correctly or efficiently as possible, it is likely that the runner’s structure will become overloaded and thus the athlete will become tired and injury will occur. The most common biomechanical factor is pronation and this can lead to increased tension in the planter fascia and tibiallis posterior tendon, or possibly lead to posterolateral impingement of the peroneii tendons. Higher up the leg, excessive pronation will cause medial rotation of the tibia as previously stated and can effect patella tracking and can also increase tension in the iliotibial band thus causing iliotibial band friction syndrome. Hintermann and Nigg (1998) state that excessive pronation can be potentially harmful with compensatory pronation occurring due to anatomical reasons, however, not just the level of foot eversion but also the way the foot eversion is transferred into tibial rotation may be crucial to the overloading stress on the knee. The overloading of the knee occurs within the running cycle with internal rotation of the tibia counteracting with the external rotation of the pelvis thus creating external rotation of the femur. Overuse injuries are more often caused by excessive loading rates to the specific area. Hintermann and Nigg (1998) argued that excessive pronation has been typically associated with the development of overuse injuries in locomotion, and that the transfer of foot eversion into the rotation of the tibia has most commonly been associated with the incidence of knee pain. McGinnis (1999) supports this and states pronation and supination also affect the magnitude of the stress imposed on the knee joint. If the muscle group is stretched slowly then the loading rate is of a level which is comfortable, however if the muscle group is stretched quickly with a great amount of force then the risk of an overuse injury will be increased. A quick loading rate on a cold muscle group will produce a brittle response causing torn fibres and inflammation to the specific area thus causing iliotibial band friction syndrome. McGinnis (1999) states that the iliotibial band tendon consists of 70% water, 25% collagen and 5% elastin. Fredericson and Wolf (2005) further state that the fibres are tightly bound in a parallel arrangement along the functional axis of the tendon, this provides high tensile strength thought to be similar to soft steel.
An overuse injury to a runner’s knee is caused by a constant repetitive loading to the knee joint. Tendons behave viscoelastically and exhibit adaptive responses to conditions of increased loading and disuse. Maganaris et al (2004) states most studies report that long term physical activity improves the tensile mechanical properties of tendons, yielding results opposite to those of disuse. It is further stated by Maganaris et al (2004) that hypertrophy may be partly accountable for these effects; however changes in young’s modulus also indicate training induced changes in the tendon intrinsic material properties McGinnis (1999) states that running speed directly influences the size of the ground reaction force components with faster speeds being associated with higher loading rates. The maximum vertical ground reaction force, for example increasing from approx two times body weight at a slow jog to six times body weight at a fast run. The higher forces associated with faster running speeds cause greater torques at the joints. Iliotibial band friction syndrome is a non traumatic overuse injury which is common in long distance runners. Hintermann and Nigg (1998) state that the factors most associated with running injuries such as iliotibial band friction syndrome include anatomical or biomechanical abnormalities. Further more Hintermann and Nigg (1988) state that poor alignment in the lower extremities and/or over pronation have frequently been associated with stress fractures of the lower limbs. Hintermann and Nigg (1998) argue that excessive pronation determines the amount of compensatory internal tibia rotation, thus the greater it is the greater the potential of iliotibial band friction syndrome will have of occurring in the athlete. To lower the risk of iliotibial band friction syndrome the athlete should incorporate high levels of lower limb flexibility, strength training regime specific to the lower limb area as well as wearing the correct footwear and using orthotics if needed to correct any postural problems. Alternative methods of exercise such as swimming may be used to minimise risk of aggravating the tendon and thus not causing iliotibial band friction syndrome.
Bahr. R, Maehlum. S, Bolic. T. (2004).Clinical guide to sports injuries. Gazette Bok. 348-349.
Fredericson. M, Wolf. C. (2005). Iliotibial band syndrome in runners innovations in treatment. Journal of Sports Medicine. 35 (5). 451-459.
Grisogono, V. (1984). Sports Injuries – A self help guide. John Murray publishers ltd. 104-106.
Hintermann. B, Nigg. B.M. (1998). A Review: Pronation in runners implications for injury. Journal of Sports Medicine. 26 (3). 169-176.
Maganaris. C.N, Narici. M.V, Almekinders. L.C, Maffulli. N. (2004). A Review: Biomechanics and pathophysiology of overuse tendon injuries: ideas on insertional tendinopathy. Journal of Sports Medicine. 34 (14). 1005-1017.
McGinnis. P.M. (1999). Biomechanics of sport and exercise. Human Kinetics. 358-362.
Peterson. L, Renstrom. P. (2001). Sports injuries: their prevention and treatment. Taylor and Francis. 327-329.
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